IT outsourcing is very popular now with small and medium sized businesses.
IT Services services and other support options make outsourcing IT a smart move for many companies.
There are so many companies offering IT services, it’s hard to know exactly what company or what type of IT services you really need!
First, before you start looking for IT help, decide what you need help with.
Do you need:
  • Hardware
  • Networking
  • Software
  • Email
  • Website
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Help Desk Support
  • Phone System
  • Off Site Backup

There are businesses offering all of these things, and there are businesses that focus only on certain aspects of the IT industry. Generally, if your company is small, you may want to find an IT services company that can handle all of these issues so you have one central contact for all of your needs. But larger companies may want to hire individual companies that focus only on one aspect of IT.
For instance, a company with 5 employees and one Small Business Server could use a single company to install the server, setup email, install their phone system, build a website, configure workstations and install specialized software. Where as a larger company with 50 employees, serveral file, SQL and email servers, who does most of their business online, may want to hire an company that does managed IT services to handle continual monitoring of their network and computer health. Then, hire a second company to focus solely on search engine optimization, or making sure their company website ranks on page 1 of Google.
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